TITAN (2022-2026)
The TITAN project will develop an innovative process that will enable production of cost-competitive hydrogen together with integrated carbon sequestration.
It will be achieved by the direct conversion of biogas (CO2 containing methane-rich feedstock) into hydrogen and valuable carbon materials. The project will also consider further valorisation to power, chemicals and fuels. Potential 0.6 Mt Green Hydrogen by 2030 and >4Mt by 2045
COLDSPARK (2022-2026)
ColdSpark will validate a non-thermal plasma technology to produce hydrogen at an industrial scale from natural gas or biomethane, contributing to the global zero emissions.
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The project will develop and test a novel plasma reactor for production of hydrogen, alongside high-value carbon, at low energy cost (< 15 kWh/kg H2 produced) without the need for catalysts and water.
The intention is to use cold plasma to yield an energy conversion rate of 85 % with zero CO2 emissions.
ColdSpark will bring a catalyst-free process that performs at low temperatures and low pressure with reduced reactor size/space requirement and thus, reduced capital cost.
The reactor’s modular design enables low CAPEX and OPEX, resulting in increased flexibility and scalability compared to other production techniques (SMR/electrolysis).
STORMING (2022- 2025)
STORMING will develop breakthrough and innovative structured reactors heated using renewable electricity, to convert fossil and renewable methane into CO2-free hydrogen and highly valuable carbon nanomaterials for battery applications.
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The project will validate, at TRL 5, the most promising catalytic technology (chosen considering technological, economic, and environmental assessments) to produce H2 with energy efficiency (> 60%), net-zero emissions, and decreasing (ca. 10 %) the costs in comparison with the conventional process.
- Combining theoretical and experimental studies to develop innovative Fe-based catalysts, highly active and easily regenerable by waste-free processes
- Designed by computational fluid dynamics and prepared by 3D printing, will enable an accurate thermal control resulting in high energy efficiency.