RGFI was established in 2014 as an industry forum to represent the interests of the renewable gas industry, with a mandate to advocate on behalf of the gas consumer in Ireland. Our approach is founded on best scientific advice, best available technology, and strong governance. The work of RGFI is aligned with European and global policies and best practices.
Our Working Groups
Our working groups operate on an “as needed” basis to develop knowledge and take informed positions on topics and initiatives of strategic importance to the organisation. They report to an overarching Steering Group.
Current members of the RGFI Steering Group are:
- PJ McCarthy – RGFI CEO;
- Donal Dennehy, Danone Ireland;
- Nigel Mills, Diageo;
- Ian Ryan; Wyeth Nutritional;
- Jason Hannon, Gas Networks Ireland;
- Dr James McGreer, Nova UCD;
- Michael McEniry, Nutrient Recovery to Generate Electricity Ltd;
- Geraldine Kearney, Authentic Sustainability Limited;
- Nick Bennet, Supply Advantage
Our Values
- Integrity – upholding the highest standard of integrity in our actions.
- Engagement – listening to our members and working with stakeholders and decision-makers in a consultative manner.
- Leadership – motivating others to achieve our common goals.
- Influence – earning the respect of decision-makers as trusted and reliable professionals in our chosen fields.
In support of these values we have committed to the World Biogas Association Climate Change Declaration and the “4 per 1000” Soils for Food Security and Climate Initiative. With regard to soil carbon sequestration, our ambition is to aid the transition to a sustainable and resilient agricultural system.
All of our work is aligned with the principles of the European Union’s New Green Deal and the sustainability metrics of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines on carbon accounting set out in the recent Paris Agreement.